Ament-Kovács Bence – Eitler Ágnes (szerk.): Örökségképzés, kulturális emlékezet, identitás. 375–402. Budapest: BTK Néprajztudományi Intézet, 2023 

Anikó Báti: Food, Traditions, Heritagization


Abstract: Food culture has always had a significant role in determining identity and community cohesion. Food is not only nourishment but also a cultural element connected to the material world and festive and everyday customs in many ways. Dining and individual meals also act as mediators, representing a kind of tool and channel of communication. In the process of social discourse about the past, inclusion, and locality, local communities select, reconstruct, and construct their shared food heritage. The study presents the Hungarian institutional framework for the management, preservation, and transmission of food-related traditions on a national and local level, as well as the practice of heritagization and tradition preservation, based on prominent local examples.

Kulcsszavak: food heritage, örökséglista, helyi közösségek, fesztiválok, hagyományőrzés 

Keywords: food heritage, safeguarding practices, local communities, festivals, tradition preservation